Lines of research: Exoplanetary Systems & Solar System (SEYSS)
Exoplanetary Systems & Solar System (SEYSS)
The area of planetary and solar systems involves several research groups working on Exoplanets, Solar System and Cultural Astronomy.Our main objectives are:
The detection and characterization of giant and rocky planets around nearby stars using the most advanced instruments (CARMENES, ESPRESSO, HARPS Norte y Sur, SONG, LCO, MUSCAT2) and space missions (CoRoT, Kepler K2, CHEOPS, TESS and PLATO). The group is particularly interested in the study of terrestrial planets in the habitable zone of their host stars where water can be in liquid form.
The characterization of the atmospheres of planets to know their structure and composition, both by transits and direct imaging, using ground-based telescopes such as GTC and space missions such as CHEOPS.
Investigate the formation of exoplanet systems by studying the chemical composition of planet host stars, and the dynamical evolution of exoplanets at their early stages of formation.
Study the physical properties of different families of minor bodies of the Solar System (asteroids, comets, trans-neptunian objects, etc.) to understand the origin and evolution of Solar System with GTC and space missions such as OSIRIS-REx.
The study of ancient cosmologies through cultural astronomy and the defense of cultural heritage through the astronomy.
[Li@C60]PF6: Infrared spectra from 90K to 523K; Determination of the molar extinction coefficients and integrated molar absorptivity
¿Atrapando el solsticio? Un análisis crítico de la orientación de los templos de Deir el-Bahari
Resumen: Durante campañas realizadas la década pasada en el marco de la Misión Arqueoastronómica del Egipto antiguo se estudiaron los templos de Deir el-Bahari...
Dentro de las acciones de divulgación del proyecto Interreg EELabs, la madrugada del 4 de enero, el canal retransmitirá la máxima actividad de la...
π Earth: A 3.14 day Earth-sized Planet from K2's Kitchen Served Warm by the SPECULOOS Team
We report on the discovery of a transiting Earth-sized (0.95R ⊕) planet around an M3.5 dwarf star at 57 pc, EPIC 249631677. The planet has a period of ∼3.14...