Zodiacal light photopolarimetry. III - All-sky survey from Teide 1964-1975 with emphasis on off-ecliptic features
Photopolarimetric observations of the zodiacal light over a complete solar cycle are used to study the average distribution of brightness and degree of...
[Mg/Fe] and variable initial mass function: Revision of [α/Fe] for massive galaxies
Observations of nearby massive galaxies have revealed that they are older and richer in metals and magnesium than their low-mass counterparts. In particular...
ɛ Indi Ba, Bb: a detailed study of the nearest known brown dwarfs
The discovery of ɛ Indi Ba, Bb, a binary brown dwarf system very close to the Sun, makes possible a concerted campaign to characterise the physical parameters...
We have carried out high angular resolution near-infrared imaging and low-resolution (R˜1000) spectroscopy of the nearest known brown dwarf, varepsilon Indi B...
ζ2 Reticuli, its debris disk, and its lonely stellar companion ζ1 Ret. Different Tc trends for different spectra
Context. Several studies have reported a correlation between the chemical abundances of stars and condensation temperature (known as Tc trend). Very recently, a...
Aims: We attempt to detect starlight reflected from the hot Jupiter orbiting the main-sequence star τ Boo, in order to determine the albedo of the planetary...