Context. Most of the contribution to dust emission in clusters of galaxies comes from late-type galaxies. However, several ejection processes of material from...
On the effect of discrete numbers of stars in chemical evolution models
We examine the impact of discrete numbers of stars in stellar populations on the results of Chemical Evolution Models. We explore the resulting dispersion in...
On the estimation of stellar parameters with uncertainty prediction from Generative Artificial Neural Networks: application to Gaia RVS simulated spectra
Aims: We present an innovative artificial neural network (ANN) architecture, called Generative ANN (GANN), that computes the forward model, that is it learns...
On the evolutionary status of X-ray selected weak-line T Tauri star candidates in Taurus-Auriga
We present lithium observations of 35 stars previously reported by Wichmann et al. (1996) to be possible new weak T Tauri stars (WTTS) discovered by ROSAT in...
On the far infrared bands associated to the vibration of multishell fullerenes
Multishell fullerenes could be produced in the circumstellar envelopes of rich carbon giants as proposed by Ugarte (1995) and could be carriers of diffuse...
On the fine structure of sunspot penumbrae. I. A quantitative comparison of two semiempirical models with implications for the Evershed effect
Sunspot penumbrae exhibit prominent fine structure. Different interpretations of spectropolarimetric observations suggest different, sometimes contradictory...
On the fine structure of sunspot penumbrae. II. The nature of the Evershed flow
We investigate the fine structure of the sunspot penumbra by means of a model that allows for a flux tube in horizontal pressure balance with the magnetic...
On the fine structure of sunspot penumbrae. III. The vertical extension of penumbral filaments
In this paper we study the fine structure of the penumbra as inferred from the uncombed model (flux tube embedded in a magnetic surrounding) when applied to...
Here we model a star forming factory in which the continuous creation of stars results in a highly concentrated, massive (globular cluster-like) stellar system...