Have you ever thought about light? What's the most striking thing about it? It speed, of course...exceeded only in our imagination. Ready to meet the challenge...
With numerous active or recently completed public, space-based missions and ground-based follow-up surveys, never before has such a wealth of high-quality and...
Scientific instrumentation of the CMB laboratory at Teide Observatory - INSIDE OOCC
The QUIJOTE experiment is a reference project for Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) research at the IAC. It started operations in 2012. Currently and in the...
El jueves 21 de febrero, el Dr. Hans Zinnecker, investigador senior visitante del programa Severo Ochoa, impartirá un Seminario Severo Ochoa titulado "Airborne...
El jueves 14 de marzo, el Prof. Jon Holtzman (NMSU, EEUU), investigador visitante Fundación Jesús Serra, impartirá un seminario titulado "Chemical Cartography...
The IAC is an internationalized Spanish research centre aiming to achieve major advances in the understanding of the laws that govern the origin and evolution...
Severo Ochoa school: Exploiting extragalactic surveys in the era of large telescopes
The formation and evolution of galaxies is one of the most important topics under study in modern astrophysics. The advent of current and future observing...