Rough, dense with boulders and low albedo surface of Bennu revealed through images of NASA OSIRIS-REx mission
The first results on the analysis of the images of Bennu obtained using OCAMS, OVIRS, and OTES instruments on-board NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft have been...
SANTI CASSISI: “Our new library of stellar models will be made publicly available at the whole international scientific community via the web page of the IAC”
“The stellar population group at IAC has developed state-of-the-art population synthesis tools for retrieving the Stellar Formation History of resolved stellar...
With numerous active or recently completed public, space-based missions and ground-based follow-up surveys, never before has such a wealth of high-quality and...
Seminario de Instrumentación. Actividades del IAC en Comunicaciones Cuánticas
Tras presentar algunas peculiaridades de los entrelazamientos cuánticos, que acaban de recibir el premio Nobel de este año 2022, describiremos su utilización...
Uno de los principales problemas que afecta no solo a la astrofísica sino a otros sectores de investigación e industria a nivel nacional, es la fabricación de...
El jueves 21 de febrero, el Dr. Hans Zinnecker, investigador senior visitante del programa Severo Ochoa, impartirá un Seminario Severo Ochoa titulado "Airborne...
El jueves 14 de marzo, el Prof. Jon Holtzman (NMSU, EEUU), investigador visitante Fundación Jesús Serra, impartirá un seminario titulado "Chemical Cartography...
Several Neptune-like planets discovered in a theoretically barren region
The distribution of planets in the over five thousand distant solar systems discovered to date forms a complex puzzle. There is a region in the planetary orbit...