Financing logos: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
Complex Organic Species in the JWST era
COSJWST is an ambitious multidisciplinary project to study complex organic species (e.g., fullerene and graphene species and their derivatives, among others) in...
COordinating BEARD: The Challenge of Milky Way-like Galaxies to the Cold Dark Matter Paradigm
In a Universe dominated by Cold Dark Matter (CDM), the growth of galaxies is expected to happen hierarchically: mergers of small systems eventually create a...
Cosmic microwave background from the OT: QUIJOTE and other experiments
The main goal of this project is to consolidate and to guarantee the scientific leadership of those CMB experiments operating from the Teide Observatory (OT)...
Cosmoeduca is an education project from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) aimed at teachers in Secondary and Bachillerato schools across Spain. Its...
Diagnostics of the solar atmosphere and its stellar context
This project aims to push forward our present understanding on the magnetism and dynamics of the solar atmosphere through the interpretation of observational...
Dissecting the binary cores of a planetary nebula: a novel view of chemical abundances and gas kinematics
We propose a joint theoretical and observational project aimed to probe the link between binary central stars of planetary nebulae (PNe) and the chemical...
Se convoca proceso selectivo para formalizar dos contratos laborales de duración determinada, (Disposición Adicional Quinta del Real Decreto-ley 32/2021, de 28...
El Consejo Rector del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias propone a Eva Villaver Sobrino como nueva subdirectora del centro
La secretaria general de investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Eva Ortega Paíno, ha presidido esta mañana la reunión del Consejo...
El IAC envía al Espacio el primer satélite canario
ALISIO-1, el primer satélite propio del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), ha iniciado su viaje al espacio este viernes, 1 de diciembre, a bordo de un...