Quasar feedback and molecular gas reservoirs

In force date
Call year
Ramos Almeida
Financial institution
Amount granted to the IAC Consortium
70.000,00 €

The broad scientific objective of this project is to advance in our understanding of active galactic nuclei (AGN) feedback and its connection with the galaxies molecular gas reservoirs. We will do so by performing the first multiphase characterization of outflow properties in a sample of nearby and luminous type-2 quasars (QSO2s). By combining our own Cycle 6 ALMA observations with available near-infrared long-slit and integral field data we will study the properties of the line-emitting gas in the ionized, warm and cold molecular phases for a pilot sample of 7 QSO2s. These AGN are drawn from a larger sample and are representative of the luminous QSO2 population in terms of bolometric and radio luminosity, morphology and star formation rate.

We will also investigate for quasar circum-nuclear disks (CNDs) of molecular gas, characterize them and study their connection with the host galaxy via outflows. We ultimately wish to answer the important questions of whether quasars with luminous outflows differ in terms of the molecular gas reservoirs from those without outflows and/or whether there is a dependency with the outflow properties.

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