OPTICON: Optical Infrared Coordination Network for Astronomy. H2020 Grant

In force date
Call year
Garzón López
Financial institution
Financing program
Financing subprogram
Amount granted to the IAC Consortium
285.745,00 €

 CVOPTICON is an Integrated Infrastructure Initiative of the 6th EU I+D+i framework programme for improving the coordination of the European astronomical community in the fields of infrared, optics and solar physics. The OPTICON project which is coordinated by the University of Cambridge and financed by the European Commission, has the objective of identifying opportunities for collaboration that have the potential to deliver significant progress and bring them to fruition through a variety of joint activities in order to strengthen European astronomy through cooperation and rationalisation.

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Ejemplos de las tecnologías involucradas en estos desarrollos: De izquierda a derecha, sensor de frente de onda de NAOS (VLT), espejos deformables utilizados para la corrección del frente de onda y red de difracción holográfica.
Optical Infrared Co-ordination Network for Astronomy - OPTICON
Participation in OPTICON. One of the main goals of this project, to which many of the individual activities being carried out at OPTICON are also contributing, is to produce construction specifications for a European Extremely Large Telescope.
State of being in force
Type of funding