EMIR, the common user NIR camera and multi-object spectrograph of the GTC, is currently at the end of its system final verification phase, prior to its shipping to the GTC for integration and commissioning at the telescope. EMIR is being realized by a Consortium lead by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and including the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), the Laboratoire dAstrophysique de lObservatoire de Midi-Pyrénées (LAOMP, Toulouse) and the Laboratoire dAstrophysique de MarseilleProvence (OAMP), as main partners.
The system verification has been performed following a multistage plan, and we are at present completing the last one of these stages. Up to now, all high level requirements have been fulfilled well within specifications and we are planning to be in telescope in late 2015.
Within the EMIR Consortium, we have launched the detailed preparation of the Central Observing Programme which will specify the use of the Guaranteed Time under the coordination of the PI. The same effort will begin shortly to prepare the contribution of the Emir Associate Scientific Team, EAST, to that Programe and to the first science with EMIR.
This project aims to achieve three main objectives objectives, which are the natural continuation of those presented in the previous project (AYA2012-33211), but the course of the work to date has not allowed its completion, although it has been reached a high level of compliance in their development, as detailed in this proposal. To complete the commissioning and the first light in telescope, including the science verification phase, should this latter is finally organised by GRANTECAN.
To verify and monitoring the run of EMIR on its early times at the GTC, making the necessary fine tunings and giving maintenance service if required. This also includes the training service to the GRANTECAN staff.
To make an effective early scientific exploitation of the instrument, from three different but complementary standpoints: to coordinate the EMIR Consortium in the preparation of the Central Observing Programme and in the use of the Guaranteed Time; to push EAST in the first science of EMIR, including the use of a fraction of the Guaranteed Time; to execute the scientific programme of the PI team, partly with the use of the the Guaranteed Time.