Cosmological tests and study of the innermost regions of quasars from observations of gravitational lenses


Gravitational lenses are a powerful tool for Astrophysics and Cosmology. We will combine the experience of our group in theory and observation of gravitational lenses with the aim to reach the following goals:

(i) estimate the dark matter content of the Universe (in particular in primordial black holes).

(ii) probe CDM models from the effects of dark matter substructure on the images of lensed quasars (millilensing)

(iii) study the BLR structure and kinematics (in particular the Fe II and III emission regions) from microlensing induced variability on the emission line profiles.

(iv) use the gravitational redshift of the Fe III UV to determine the masses of the quasars central supermassive black holes.

(v) study lensed quasar hosts from spectroastrometry, and (vi) develop new numerical and statistical methods to study microlensing.

State of being in force
Type of funding
MICIU_Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades