Aid for predoctoral contracts for the training of doctors contemplated in the State Training Subprogram of the State Program to Develop, Attract and Retain Talent, within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research 2021-2023, under a competitive competition and applying the principles of publicity and objectivity.
The purpose of the aid is to train doctors through the financing of employment contracts, under the form of a predoctoral contract, so that the predoctoral research staff in training can carry out a doctoral thesis associated with a research project financed by the aid for R&D projects of the State Subprogram for Knowledge Generation within the framework of the State Program to Promote Scientific-Technical Research and its Transfer, within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research 2021-2023, or a project of R&D that is carried out in an R&D center that has obtained aid within the framework of the calls for Support to Severo Ochoa Centers of Excellence and María de Maeztu Units of Excellence, from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, corresponding to 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, or a research project that is developed within a priority line of research for the year 2022, set by the National Institute of Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) of the CSIC and that is executed in a public R&D&I center for agricultural and food research, dependent on an Autonomous Community, and participating in the INIA (CSIC)-CCAA Coordinating Commission for Agrarian Research.
In turn, the aid aims to finance the employment recruitment, during a postdoctoral orientation period (hereinafter POP) of a maximum duration of 12 months, of those people who obtain the doctoral degree in advance of the completion of predoctoral aid, taking into account that, in any case, the total aid cannot exceed 48 months.