Fröhlich, Claus; Romero, José; Roth, Hansjörg; Wehrli, Christoph; Andersen, Bo N.; Appourchaux, Thierry; Domingo, Vicente; Telljohann, Udo; Berthomieu, Gabrielle; Delache, Philippe; Provost, Janine; Toutain, Thierry; Crommelynck, Dominique A.; Chevalier, André; Fichot, Alain; Däppen, Werner; Gough, Douglas; Hoeksema, Todd; Jiménez, Antonio; Gómez, Maria F.; Herreros, José M.; Cortés, Teodoro Roca; Jones, Andrew R.; Pap, Judit M.; Willson, Richard C.
Bibliographical reference
Solar Physics, Volume 162, Issue 1-2, pp. 101-128
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The scientific objective of the VIRGO experiment (Variability of solar
IRradiance and Gravity Oscillations) is to determine the characteristics
of pressure and internal gravity oscillations by observing irradiance
and radiance variations, to measure the solar total and spectral
irradiance and to quantify their variability over periods of days to the
duration of the mission. With these data helioseismological methods can
be used to probe the solar interior. Certain characteristics of
convection and its interaction with magnetic fields, related to, for
example, activity, will be studied from the results of the irradiance
monitoring and from the comparison of amplitudes and phases of the
oscillations as manifest in brightness from VIRGO, in velocity from
GOLF, and in both velocity and continuum intensity from SOI/MDI. The
VIRGO experiment contains two different active-cavity radiometers for
monitoring the solar ‘constant’, two three-channel
sunphotometers (SPM) for the measurement of the spectral irradiance at
402, 500 and 862 nm, and a low-resolution imager (LOI) with 12 pixels,
for the measurement of the radiance distribution over the solar disk at
500 um. In this paper the scientific objectives of VIRGO are presented,
the instruments and the data acquisition and control system are
described in detail, and their measured performance is given.