An updated MILES stellar library and stellar population models

Falcón-Barroso, J.; Sánchez-Blázquez, P.; Vazdekis, A.; Ricciardelli, E.; Cardiel, N.; Cenarro, A. J.; Gorgas, J.; Peletier, R. F.
Bibliographical reference

Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 532, id.A95

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Aims: We present a number of improvements to the MILES library and stellar population models. We correct some small errors in the radial velocities of the stars, measure the spectral resolution of the library and models more accurately, and give a better absolute flux calibration of the models. Methods: We use cross-correlation techniques to correct the radial velocities of the offset stars and the penalised pixel-fitting method, together with different sets of stellar templates, to re-assess the spectral resolution of the MILES stellar library and models. We have also re-calibrated the zero-point flux level of the models using a new calibration scheme. Results: The end result is an even more homogeneously calibrated stellar library than the originally released one, with a measured spectral resolution of ~2.5 Å, almost constant with wavelength, for both the MILES stellar library and models. Furthermore, the new absolute flux calibration for the spectra excellently agrees with predictions based on independent photometric libraries. Conclusions: This improved version of the MILES library and models (version 9.1) is available at the project's website (
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