Unveiling the internal structure of massive supergiants: HD 163899

Godart, M.; Dupret, M.-A.; Noels, A.
Bibliographical reference

"Communications in Asteroseismology, Vol.158, p. 308 Proceedings of "38th Liege International Astrophysical Colloquium: Evolution and Pulsation of Massive Stars on the Main Sequence and Close to it", held on July 7-11 2008, edited by Arlette Noels, Conny Aerts, Josefina Montalban, Andrea Miglio and Maryline Briquet."

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Supergiant massive stars are post-main sequence stars. During the H shell burning phase of evolution, they present a radiative core in which a strong damping prevents the pulsation modes from being excited. However Saio et al. (2006) have recently highlighted p and g pulsation modes in a post-main sequence star (HD 163899) observed by MOST. They suggest that the presence of an intermediate convective region (ICZ) at the top of the radiative core allows a partial or total reflexion of the mode. Through some numerical results achieved with CLES (Scuflaire et al. 2008) and MAD (Dupret et al. 2003) codes, we show that this scenario depends on the evolution stage of the star and on the considered mass loss rate and overshooting parameter.