The thirty gigahertz instrument receiver for the Q-U-I Joint Tenerife experiment: Concept and experimental results

Villa, E.; Cano, Juan L.; Cagigas, Jaime; Ortiz, David; Casas, Francisco J.; Pérez, Ana R.; Aja, Beatriz; Terán, J. Vicente; de la Fuente, Luisa; Artal, Eduardo; Hoyland, R.; Mediavilla, Ángel
Bibliographical reference

Review of Scientific Instruments, Volume 86, Issue 2, id.024702

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This paper presents the analysis, design, and characterization of the thirty gigahertz instrument receiver developed for the Q-U-I Joint Tenerife experiment. The receiver is aimed to obtain polarization data of the cosmic microwave background radiation from the sky, obtaining the Q, U, and I Stokes parameters of the incoming signal simultaneously. A comprehensive analysis of the theory behind the proposed receiver is presented for a linearly polarized input signal, and the functionality tests have demonstrated adequate results in terms of Stokes parameters, which validate the concept of the receiver based on electronic phase switching.