Sánchez Almeida, J.; Muñoz-Tuñón, C.; Amorín, R.; Aguerri, J. A.; Sánchez-Janssen, R.; Tenorio-Tagle, G.
Bibliographical reference
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 685, Issue 1, pp. 194-210.
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Refereed citations
Blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxies are metal-poor systems going through a
major starburst that cannot last for long. We have identified galaxies
which may be BCDs during quiescence (QBCD), i.e., before the
characteristic starburst sets in or when it has faded away. These QBCD
galaxies are assumed to be like the BCD host galaxies. The SDSS DR6
database provides ~21,500 QBCD candidates. We also select from SDSS DR6
a complete sample of BCD galaxies to serve as reference. The properties
of these two galaxy sets have been computed and compared. The QBCD
candidates are 30 times more abundant than the BCDs, with their
luminosity functions being very similar except for the scaling factor
and the expected luminosity dimming associated with the end of the
starburst. QBCDs are redder than BCDs, and they have larger H II
region-based oxygen abundance. QBCDs also have lower surface brightness.
The BCD candidates turn out to be the QBCD candidates with the largest
specific star formation rate (actually, with the largest Hα
equivalent width). One out of every three dwarf galaxies in the local
universe may be a QBCD. The properties of the selected BCDs and QBCDs
are consistent with a single sequence in galactic evolution, which the
quiescent phase lasting 30 times longer than the starburst phase. The
resulting time-averaged star formation rate is low enough to allow this
cadence of BCD-QBCD phases during the Hubble time.
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