Garzón, F.; Castro-Rodríguez, N.; Insausti, M.; López-Martín, L.; Hammersley, Peter; Barreto, M.; Fernández, P.; Joven, E.; López, P.; Mato, A.; Moreno, H.; Núñez, M.; Patrón, J.; Rasilla, J. L.; Redondo, P.; Rosich, J.; Pascual, S.; Grange, R.
Bibliographical reference
Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9147, id. 91470U 10 pp. (2014).
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EMIR is one of the first common user instruments for the GTC, the 10
meter telescope operating at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (La
Palma, Canary Islands, Spain). EMIR is being built by a Consortium of
Spanish and French institutes led by the Instituto de Astrofísica
de Canarias (IAC). EMIR is primarily designed to be operated as a MOS in
the K band, but offers a wide range of observing modes, including
imaging and spectroscopy, both long slit and multiobject, in the
wavelength range 0.9 to 2.5 μm. This contribution reports on the
results achieved so far during the verification phase at the IAC prior
to its shipment to the GTC for being commissioned, which is due by mid
2015. After a long period of design and fabrication, EMIR finally
entered into its integration phase by mid 2013. Soon after this, the
verification phase at the IAC was initiated aimed at configuring and
tuning the EMIR functions, mostly the instrument control system, which
includes a sophisticated on line data reduction pipeline, and
demonstrating the fulfillment of the top level requirements. We have
designed an ambitious verification plan structured along the three kind
of detectors at hand: the MUX and the engineering and scientific grade
arrays. The EMIR subsystems are being integrated as they are needed for
the purposes of the verification plan. In the first stage, using the
MUX, the full optical system, but with a single dispersive element out
of the three which form the EMIR suite, the two large wheels mounting
the filters and the pseudo-grisms, plus the detector translation unit
holding the MUX, were mounted. This stage was mainly devoted to learn
about the capabilities of the instrument, define different settings for
its basic operation modes and test the accuracy, repeatability and
reliability of the mechanisms. In the second stage, using the
engineering Hawaii2 FPA, the full set of pseudo-grisms and band filters
are mounted, which means that the instrument is fully assembled except
for the cold slit unit, a robotic reconfigurable multislit mask system
capable of forming multislit pattern of 55 different slitlets in the
EMIR focal plane. This paper will briefly describe the principal units
and features of the EMIR instrument as the main results of the
verification performed so far are discussed. The development and
fabrication of EMIR is funded by GRANTECAN and the Plan Nacional de
Astronomía y Astrofísica (National Plan for Astronomy and
Astrophysics, Spain).