Simoniello, R.; Chaplin, W. J.; Elsworth, Y. P.; García, R. A.
Bibliographical reference
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 118, Issue 1, pp. 012088 (2008).
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Refereed citations
We carried out a comparison of the signals seen in contemporaneous BiSON
and GOLF data sets. Both instruments perform Doppler shift velocity
measurements in integrated sunlight, although BiSON perform measurements
from the two wings of potassium absorption line and GOLF from one wing
of the NaD1 line. Discrepancies between the two datasets have been
observed. We show,in fact, that the relative power depends on the wing
in which GOLF data observes. During the blue wing period, the relative
power is mugh higher than in BiSON datasets, while a good agreement has
been observed during the red period.
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