Wagner, S. J.; Wei, J.; Wu, X.; Lanteri, L.; Maesano, M.; Massaro, E.; Montagni, F.; Nesci, R.; Nilsson, K.; Nikolashvili, M. G.; Nurmi, P.; Ostorero, L.; Pursimo, T.; Rekola, R.; Sillanpää, A.; Takalo, L. O.; Teräsranta, H.; Tosti, G.; Balonek, T. J.; Feldt, M.; Heines, A.; Heisler, C.; Hu, J.; Kidger, M.; Mattox, J. R.; Pati, A.; McGrath, E. J.; Shastri, P.; Robb, R.; Sadun, A. C.; Kurtanidze, O. M.; Heidt, J.; Aller, M. F.; Aller, H. D.; Villata, M.; Raiteri, C. M.
Bibliographical reference
Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.377, p.396-412 (2001)
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Refereed citations
The BL Lacertae object AO 0235+16 is well known for
its extreme optical and radio variability. New optical and radio data
have been collected in the last four years by a wide international
collaboration, which confirm the intense activity of this source: on the
long term, overall variations of 5mag in the R band and up to a factor
18 in the radio fluxes were detected, while short-term variability up to
0.5mag in a few hours and 1.3mag in one day was observed in the optical
band. The optical data also include the results of the Whole Earth
Blazar Telescope (WEBT) first-light campaign organized in November 1997,
involving a dozen optical observatories. The optical spectrum is
observed to basically steepen when the source gets fainter. We have
investigated the existence of typical variability time scales and of
possible correlations between the optical and radio emissions by means
of visual inspection and Discrete Correlation Function (DCF) analysis.
On the long term, the autocorrelation function of the optical data shows
a double-peaked maximum at 4100-4200 days (11.2-11.5 years), while a
double-peaked maximum at 3900-4200 days (10.7-11.5 years) is visible in
the radio autocorrelation functions. The existence of this similar
characteristic time scale of variability in the two bands is by itself
an indication of optical-radio correlation. A further analysis by means
of Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) technique and folded light curves
reveals that the major radio outbursts repeat quasi-regularly with a
periodicity of ~ 5.7 years, i.e. half the above time scale. This period
is also in agreement with the occurrence of some of the major optical
outbursts, but not all of them. Visual inspection and DCF analysis of
the optical and radio light curves then reveal that in some cases
optical outbursts seem to be simultaneous with radio ones, but in other
cases they lead the radio events. Moreover, a deep inspection of the
radio light curves suggests that in at least two occasions (the
1992-1993 and 1998 outbursts) flux variations at the higher frequencies
may have led those at the lower ones.