Marquez, I.; Bonet, J. A.; Vazquez, M.
Bibliographical reference
Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.306, p.305
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A numerical code has been developed for modelling the asymmetries in
three spectral lines (K I 7699, Fe I 5576 and Fe I 5635A) formed at
different photospheric heights and observed in plage regions near the
solar disk center. The aim of this work was to reproduce the absolute
line bisectors obtained from low resolution observations. The mere
insertion of a flux tube in a model of quiet granulation, without mutual
interaction, has proved insufficient to explain many of the
observational results. Therefore, several models of abnormal granulation
close to the tube, representing the influence of the magnetic field, are
considered. The code consists of two computation modules, one
representing a model of the unperturbed photosphere, and the other
including a flux tube inserted in a model of altered granulation;
various combinations of both computation modules allow different values
of the magnetic filling factor to be simulated. The influence of other
physical parameters and observational aspects on the bisector is also
discussed, e.g. waves, microturbulence, defective time or spatial
averages, etc. The proposed model reproduces the observed variation in
the shape and in the absolute shift of the bisector when the filling
factor increases. Likewise, the computed spatial distribution of
intensity in the continuum fits many of the photometric results reported
in the literature for plage regions.