Castelein, Pierre; Rambaud, Philippe; Chamonal, Jean-Paul; Laflaquiere, Arnaud; Perez, Andre; Ravetto, Michel; Destefanis, Gerard L.; Caes, Marcel
Bibliographical reference
Proc. SPIE Vol. 4721, p. 252-259, Infrared Detectors and Focal Plane Arrays VII, Eustace L. Dereniak; Robert E. Sampson; Eds.
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This paper presents a new generation of long linear butted arrays
developed at LETI / LIR and dedicated to high resolution IR imaging for
space and airborne applications. These IR focal plane arrays are based
on modular architecture composed of butted CdHgTe photovoltaic detection
circuits and Si CMOS multiplexers. CdHgTe detectors are made with the
new planar technology leading to very high performances with low dark
current. Specific in house techniques of dicing and butting are used in
order to perform linear detection arrays, free of defect. Detectors
redundancy has also been implemented in order to compensate bad
detectors (deselection) or to improve the sensor uniformity. A
presentation of the main electro-optical performances obtained in the
two spectral ranges - 3-5 and 8-10 micrometers - is given. Comparison
with the previous prototype (first generation) developed at LIR will
also be discussed in the paper. Details of involved technologies, FPA
architecture, operability and performances (NETD, responsivity, dark
current .) of butted sensors working in the 3-5 and 8-10 micrometers
spectral ranges will be presented.