Near-ultraviolet absorption distribution of primitive asteroids from spectrophotometric surveys. I. Radial distribution

Tatsumi, E.; Vilas, F.; de León, J.; Popescu, M.; Hasegawa, S.; Hiroi, T.; Tinaut-Ruano, F.; Licandro, J.
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Astronomy and Astrophysics

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Context. Hydrated minerals, such as phyllosilicates, on asteroids can provide constraints on the temperature or compositional distribution of the early Solar System. Previous studies pointed out the possibility that absorption in the near-ultraviolet (NUV, 0.35-0.5 μm) wavelength region is a proxy for hydrated minerals in primitive asteroids. However, the radial distribution of the NUV absorption among primitive asteroids was not revisited after the Eight Color Asteroid Survey (ECAS).
Aims: Our objectives are first to evaluate the possibility of using the NUV absorption as diagnostics of hydrated minerals based on the recent datasets of primitive asteroids and hydrated carbonaceous chondrites, and second to investigate the reflectance spectrophotometry of the primitive asteroids in the NUV as functions of heliocentric distance and size.
Methods: The NUV and visible reflectance spectrophotometry of more than 9000 primitive asteroids was investigated using two spectrophotometric surveys, ECAS and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), which cover wavelengths down to 0.32 μm and 0.36 μm, respectively. We classified asteroids from the main asteroid belt, the Cybele and Hilda zones, and Jupiter Trojans based on Tholen's taxonomy and described the statistical distribution of primitive asteroid types. We also examined the relationship of the NUV, 0.7 μm, and 2.7 μm absorptions among primitive asteroids and hydrous carbonaceous chondrites CI and CM.
Results: We find strong correlations between the NUV and the OH-band (2.7 μm) absorptions for primitive asteroids and hydrated meteorites, suggesting the NUV absorption can be indicative of hydrated silicates. Moreover, there is a great difference in the NUV absorption between the large asteroids (diameter d > 50 km) and small asteroids (d < 10 km) in the taxonomic distribution. The taxonomic distribution of asteroids differs between the inner main belt and middle-outer main belt. Notably, the C types are dominating large members through the main belt and the F types are dominating small asteroids of the inner main belt. The asteroids beyond the main belt consist mostly of P and D types, although P types are common everywhere in the main belt. The peculiar distribution of F types might indicate a different formation reservoir or a displacement process of F types in the early Solar System. The strongest absorptions of the NUV and 0.7 μm band were observed in G types, which likely comprise CM-like Fe-rich phyllosilicates. On the other hand, according to a recent sample return from an F-type asteroid (162173) Ryugu, the F types with the OH-band at 2.7 μm and the shallow NUV absorption could comprise CI-like Mg-rich phyllosilicates.
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