Pintos-Castro, I.; Sánchez Portal, M. Altieri, B.; The Glace; Herschel High-Z Clusters Teams
Bibliographical reference
Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VII, Proceedings of the X Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA), held in Valencia, July 9 - 13, 2012, Eds.: J.C. Guirado, L.M. Lara, V. Quilis, and J. Gorgas., pp.456-456
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Refereed citations
We present the first results of a study on the impact of the environment
in the evolution of galaxies using a multiwavelength analysis of the
young cluster RXJ1257.2+4738, from the optical to the far infrared,
covering two virial radii. Our data set includes new observations of the
GLACE survey --g', r', i', z' bands with OSIRIS/GTC and J band with
LIRIS/WHT-- and PACS and SPIRE imaging photometry, along with existing
MIPS and IRAC observations. We have processed GMOS spectra that confirm
24 cluster members. With our wide wavelength coverage, we have computed
photometric redshifts by spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting
using the LePhare code to compile a catalogue of more than 500 strong
cluster member candidates. From these, about 100 have been detected in
either mid-IR or far-IR. For these objects, we have derived the star
formation rate (SFR), that ranges from less than 1 M_{&sun;}/yr to more
than 100 M_{&sun;}/yr, and the specific SFR (sSFR) using the stellar
masses derived from SED fitting. We find that: (i) sSFR median values do
not correlate with environment. High-mass galaxies have lower sSFR than
low-mass galaxies in all environments, and (ii) the cluster
mass-normalised global SFR coarsely agrees with the ∝(1+z)^6
evolution proposed by other authors.