Rodriguez-Ramos, Luis F.; Rodriguez-Mora, A.; Sosa, Nicolas A.; Diaz, Jose J.; Joven-Alvarez, Enrique
Bibliographical reference
Proc. SPIE Vol. 1982, p. 382-387, Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging: Technology and Applications '93, Li-wei Zhou; Ed.
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The Department of Detectors of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias,
Spain is developing a data acquisition system (DAS) for an infrared
camera based in a 256 X 256 InSb detector. The camera is going to work
from 1 to 5 microns wavelength, with a scale on the sky of 0.5 arcsec
per pixel, and will be installed as a common user instrument at the
Carlos Sanchez Telescope in the Observatorio del Teide (Canary Island,
Spain). A multiprocessor architecture has been chosen for the DAS, due
to the very tight requirements on real time processing, and high speed
storage capability (20 images per second readout rate, 2 images per
second storage rate). The complete system is split into two main parts,
the front end electronics and the user workstation. They are
interconnected through an ETHERNET link.