Montilla, I.; Tallon, M.; Langlois, M.; Béchet, C.; Collados, M.
Bibliographical reference
Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9148, id. 91486D 6 pp. (2014).
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Solar Adaptive Optics (AO) shares many issues with night-time AO, but it
also has its own particularities. The wavefront sensing is performed
using correlations to efficiently work on the solar granulation as a
reference. The field of view for that measurement usually is around 10".
A sensor collecting such a wide field of view averages wavefront
information from different sky directions, and the anisoplanatism thus
has a peculiar impact on the performance of solar AO and MCAO systems.
Since we are entering the era of large solar telescopes (European Solar
Telescope, Advanced Technology Solar Telescope) understanding this issue
is crucial to evaluate its impact on the performance of future AO
systems. In this paper we model the correlating wide field sensor and
the way it senses the high altitude turbulence. Thanks to this improved
modelling, we present an analysis of the influence of this sensing on
the performance of each AO configuration, conventional AO and MCAO. In
addition to the analytical study, simulations similar to the case of the
EST AO systems with FRiM-3D (the Fractal Iterative Method for
Atmospheric tomography) are used in order to highlight the relative
influence of design parameters. In particular, results show the
performance evolution when increasing the telescope diameter. We analyse
the effect of high altitude turbulence correlation showing that
increasing the diameter of the telescope does not degrade the
performance when correcting on the same spatial and temporal scales.