Manzato, P.; Molinaro, M.; Gasparo, F.; Pasian, F.; Pietrinferni, A.; Cassisi, S.; Rodrigo, C.; Solano, E.; Cerviño, M.
Bibliographical reference
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVIII ASP Conference Series, Vol. 411, proceedings of the conference held 2-5 November 2008 at Hotel Loews Le Concorde, Québec City, QC, Canada. Edited by David A. Bohlender, Daniel Durand, and Patrick Dowler. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2009., p.446
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A generalization of the Theoretical Spectral Access Protocol (TSAP)
standard called Simple Self-described Service Protocol (S3P) has been
used to search and access stellar model data. In particular, a Web
server has been implemented that searches for synthetic isochrones and
tracks computed using the FRANEC code and stored inside the BaSTI (a Bag
of Stellar Tracks and Isochrones) relational database. The S3P allows an
easy creation of a VO service for a collection of micro-simulations:
this protocol is able to provide information about which parameters can
be queried and which values are available and, as a second step, makes a
viable query to the database using the parameters chosen by the user.
The collection of tracks and isochrones is returned as a standard
VOTable. We implemented this self-describing service for opening the VO
door to the micro-simulations. In the future we will also implement it
for the BaSTI Web tools (an isochrones maker and track interpolation
program, a luminosity function program and a synthetic CMD code) to give
them more visibility to the scientific community and to allow easier
comparisons between various simulations and/or between observations and
theoretical models. This project is developed within the Italian
Theoretical Virtual Observatory (ITVO) project as part of the Italian
Virtual Observatory initiative ( and in collaboration with
Spanish Virtual Observatory.