Cabo, Alejandro; Claro, Francisco; Perez, Alejandro; Maze, Jeronimo
Bibliographical reference
eprint arXiv:cond-mat/0702251
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A general analytical framework for the determination of the mean field
states at arbitrary rational filling factors for the 2DEG in FQHE regime
is given. Its use allows to obtain analytic expressions for the
solutions at filling factors of the form $
u=1/q$ for arbitrary odd
$q$. The analysis can be performed for two general classes of states
characterized by $gamma=1$ or $gamma={1/2}$ particles per unit cell.
Instead of the periodic peaks of the Wigner solid solution, the new
states show electron densities forming percolating ridges that may favor
an energy decrease through correlated ring of exchange contributions.
Therefore, we estimate that they can realize mean field versions of the
so called Hall Crystal (HC) states. The obtained analytic HC solution
shows the same crystalline symmetry that the corresponding WC state in
its class $gamma=1$, but a qualitatively different charge density
distribution. The energy dependence of the corresponding HC and WC
states on the filling factor is also evaluated here for the class
$gamma=1/2$. The results show a crossover between HC state and the
Wigner crystal, close to filling 1/7. Therefore, transitions may occur
from one to the other as the electron density is varied. This result is
consistent with recent experimental findings.