Gavryusev, V.; Munoz-Tunon, C.
Bibliographical reference
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems V, A.S.P. Conference Series, Vol. 101, 1996, George H. Jacoby and Jeannette Barnes, eds., p. 76.
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Refereed citations
The evaluation of 3D data-cubes obtained by bidimensional spectroscopy
is not a very simple task due to the huge amount of data that they
contain. A typical data-cube could be 256x256 pixels in the spatial
plane and 100 frames in the spectral direction. We present a powerful
software package, MATADOR, which can easily handle this kind of data.
MATADOR is written on IDL but it is not necessary for the user to have
any knowledge of this language. MATADOR offers to the user a widget
based interface, and any task is performed by simple manipulation of the
mouse. The program is basically interactive, although some time/memory
consuming operations can be executed as independent sub-tasks. The
available tools can visualize an image at any desired wavelength
interval and analyze the spectrum for any selected region on the image.
The spectrum can, on the spot, be fitted by the combination of the
background and several Gaussian or Lorentzians. The asymmetry parameters
of emission-lines can also be studied. Different possibilities exist for
manipulating two-dimensional images, such as masking, contouring and
combining options. There are also tools for investigating the velocity
distribution and the structure function of any chosen area. On-line help
and a flexible hard-copy option are available, too.
IDL is a registered trademark of Research Systems, Inc.