Lari, Carlo; Vaccari, Mattia; Rodighiero, Guilia; Fadda, Dario; Gruppioni, Carlotta; Pozzi, Francesca; Franceschini, Alberto; Zamorani, Gianni
Bibliographical reference
Exploiting the ISO Data Archive. Infrared Astronomy in the Internet Age, held in Siguenza, Spain 24-27 June, 2002. Edited by C. Gry, S. Peschke, J. Matagne, P. Garcia-Lario, R. Lorente, & A. Salama. Published as ESA Publications Series, ESA SP-511. European Space Agency, 2003, p. 349.
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The techniques and software tools developed for the reduction and
analysis of ISO-CAM/PHOT data with the LARI method are presented. The
method, designed for the detection of faint sources in ISO raster
observations, is based on the assumption of the existence of two
different time scales in the detectors' transient behaviour, accounting
either for fast or slow detectors' response.
The specifically developed IDL software includes: a reduction pipeline
performing basic operations such as deglitching and background
determination; the fitting procedures proper, modelling the time history
of individual pixels and detecting any flux excess with respect to the
local background ascribable to potential sources; mapping, source
extraction and flux estimation procedures; simulation procedures
allowing one to estimate the errors arising from different instrumental
and reduction effects. Moreover, an easy-to-use graphical user interface
allows one to quickly browse the data and carry out the substantial
amount of interactive analysis required when the automatic fit fails and
to check the reliability of detected sources.
This method provides source lists of great reliability and completeness
and an outstanding photometric accuracy, particularly at low redundancy
levels, where the reliability of ISO-CAM/PHOT source lists, even at
moderately bright flux levels, has been a long-standing issue.
In this work a description of the techniques and software tools that
have been developed is given, alongside with some highlights from the
results obtained thanks to their application to different fields.