Bessiere, P. S.; Tadhunter, C. N.; Ramos-Almeida, C.; Villar Martín, M.
Bibliographical reference
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 426, Issue 1, pp. 276-295.
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Refereed citations
We present deep Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph-South optical
broad-band images for a complete sample of 20 Sloan Digital Sky Survey
selected type II quasars taken from Zakamska et al., with redshifts in
the range 0.3 < z < 0.41 and [O III]λ5007 emission-line
luminosities L[O iii ]>108.5 L. The images
were taken with the aim of investigating the interaction status of the
quasar host galaxies, in order to determine the significance of galaxy
interactions in triggering nuclear activity. We find that 15 of our
sample of 20 (75 per cent) show evidence for interaction in the form of
tails, shells, fans, irregular features, amorphous haloes and double
nuclei. The median surface brightness of the features is μ˜r corr =23.4 mag arcsec-2 and the range is
Δμr corr ≃[20.9,24.7] mag arcsec-2.
We find a similar rate of interaction signatures in the type II quasars
as in a comparison sample of quiescent early-type galaxies at similar
redshift (67 per cent) taken from Ramos Almeida et al. (RA11). However
the surface brightness of the detected features is up to 2 mag brighter
for the type II quasars than for the quiescent early types, which have
surface brightnesses in the range Δμr corr ≃[22.1,26.1]
mag arcsec-2 and a median surface brightness μ˜r corr =24.3 mag arcsec-2. Despite the
relatively small sample size, this may indicate that the mergers
witnessed in the comparison sample galaxies could have different
progenitors, or we may be viewing the interactions at different stages.
We also compare our results with those of Ramos Almeida et al. (RA12)
who made a similar analysis using a complete sample of radio-loud active
galactic nuclei (AGN). They find a higher rate of interaction signatures
in the radio-loud AGN (95 per cent) than the type II quasars, but a very
similar range of surface brightnesses for the morphological features
Δμr corr ≃[20.9,24.8] mag arcsec-2, possibly indicating a
similarity in the types of triggering interactions.
The wide range of features detected in the type II quasar sample
suggests that AGN activity can be triggered before, during or after the
coalescence of the black holes, with six of the 20 objects (30 per cent)
having double nuclei. Overall, the results presented here are consistent
with the idea that galaxy interaction plays an important role in the
triggering of quasar activity. We also use time-scale arguments to show
that it is unlikely that most radio-quiet quasars cycle through a
radio-loud phase as part of a single quasar triggering event.
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