Gas inflow and metallicity drops in star-forming galaxies

Ceverino, D.; Sánchez Almeida, J.; Muñoz Tuñón, C.; Dekel, Avishai; Elmegreen, Bruce G.; Elmegreen, Debra M.; Primack, Joel
Bibliographical reference

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 457, Issue 3, p.2605-2612

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Gas inflow feeds galaxies with low-metallicity gas from the cosmic web, sustaining star formation across the Hubble time. We make a connection between these inflows and metallicity inhomogeneities in star-forming galaxies, by using synthetic narrow-band images of the Hα emission line from zoom-in AMR cosmological simulations of galaxies with stellar masses of M* ≃ 109 M⊙ at redshifts z = 2-7. In ˜50 per cent of the cases at redshifts lower than 4, the gas inflow gives rise to star-forming, Hα-bright, off-centre clumps. Most of these clumps have gas metallicities, weighted by Hα luminosity, lower than the metallicity in the surrounding interstellar medium by ˜0.3 dex, consistent with observations of chemical inhomogeneities at high and low redshifts. Due to metal mixing by shear and turbulence, these metallicity drops are dissolved in a few disc dynamical times. Therefore, they can be considered as evidence for rapid gas accretion coming from cosmological inflow of pristine gas.