Gas Flows in the Central Region of NGC 4593 with Muse

Mulumba, Dorcus; Knapen, Johan; Comerón, Sebastien; Ramos, Cristina
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IAU General Assembly

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Understanding how gas flows into galactic centers, fuels the AGN and in turn is expelled back through feedback processes is of great importance to appreciate the role AGN play in the growth and evolution of galaxies. We use MUSE-AO optical spectra of the inner 7''. 5 × 7''. 5 of the nearby Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4593 to understand how gas flows in and out of its nuclear region. We determine the stellar velocity and velocity dispersion and fit single-component Gaussians to various emission lines like [O iii] λ5007, [N ii]λ6583, Hα and Hβ to determine the main ionization mechanism. We also fit two-component Gaussians to [O iii]λ5007 to determine the kinematics of the ionized gas emission and characterize the outflow. The high resolution MUSE data capture structures of the circumnuclear region including the innermost spiral feeding the nucleus. From the stellar kinematic maps, we confirm the presence of a rotating disc and in the broad-component maps, the high velocity dispersion values of 250 -300km/s show that the gas is highly perturbed. The emission line flux ratio maps show that the innermost 2'' (376 pc) are highly ionized by the AGN, while the emission line kinematic maps show the approaching side of a presumably bi-conic outflow. We estimate the mass-outflow rates and kinetic powers. The broad components of [O iii]λ5007 show blue-shifted velocities which spatially coincides with a region of high velocity dispersion hence confirming the presence of on outflowing gas.