Kuckein, C.; Collados, M.; Manso Sainz, R.; Asensio-Ramos, A.
Bibliographical reference
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Volume 305, pp. 73-78
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Refereed citations
We present an exceptional data set acquired with the Vacuum Tower
Telescope (Tenerife, Spain) covering the pre-flare, flare, and
post-flare stages of an M3.2 flare. The full Stokes spectropolarimetric
observations were recorded with the Tenerife Infrared Polarimeter in the
He i 1083.0 nm spectral region. The object under study was active region
NOAA 11748 on 2013 May 17. During the flare the chomospheric He i 1083.0
nm intensity goes strongly into emission. However, the nearby
photospheric Si i 1082.7 nm spectral line profile only gets shallower
and stays in absorption. Linear polarization (Stokes Q and U) is
detected in all lines of the He i triplet during the flare. Moreover,
the circular polarization (Stokes V) is dominant during the flare, being
the blue component of the He i triplet much stronger than the red
component, and both are stronger than the Si i Stokes V profile. The Si
i inversions reveal enormous changes of the photospheric magnetic field
during the flare. Before the flare magnetic field concentrations of up
to ~1500 G are inferred. During the flare the magnetic field strength
globally decreases and in some cases it is even absent. After the flare
the magnetic field recovers its strength and initial configuration.
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