Effects of the Environment on Star Formation and Abundances in Galaxies

Vílchez, José M.
Bibliographical reference

Chemical Evolution from Zero to High Redshift, Proceedings of the ESO Workshop held at Garching, Germany, 14-16 October 1998. Edited by Jeremy R. Walsh, Michael R. Rosa. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1999, p. 175.

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The influence of the environment on the processes that regulate the history of star formation and the chemical enrichment in galaxies is a key ingredient for the study of galaxy evolution. New evidence has accumulated reinforcing the idea that galaxies located in high density environments, such as groups or clusters, may exhibit different levels of star formation and distinct chemical histories as compared to similar galaxies in the field. This fact gives support to the view that the chemical evolution of galaxies can be substantially affected by the environment. A compilation of the most recent results concerning environmental effects on star formation and chemical abundances in galaxies is reviewed giving special emphasis to the case of star-forming galaxies.