Uytterhoeven, K.; Poretti, E.; Rainer, M.; Mantegazza, L.; Zima, W.; Aerts, C.; Morel, T.; Miglio, A.; Lefever, K.; Amado, P. J.; Martín-Ruiz, S.; Mathias, P.; Valtier, J. C.; Paparó, M.; Benkö, J. M.; CoRoT/SWG Ground-based Observations Working Group
Bibliographical reference
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 118, Issue 1, pp. 012077 (2008).
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Refereed citations
To optimise the science results of the asteroseismic part of the CoRoT
satellite mission a complementary simultaneous ground-based
observational campaign is organised for selected CoRoT targets. The
observations include both high-resolution spectroscopic and multicolour
photometric data. We present the preliminary results of the analysis of
the ground-based observations of three targets. A line-profile analysis
of 216 high-resolution FEROS spectra of the δ Sct star HD 50844
reveals more than ten pulsation frequencies in the frequency range 5-18
d-1, including possibly one radial fundamental mode (6.92
d-1). Based on more than 600 multi-colour photometric
datapoints of the β Cep star HD 180642, spanning about three years
and obtained with different telescopes and different instruments, we
confirm the presence of a dominant radial mode ν1 =
5.48695 d-1, and detect also its first two harmonics. We find
evidence for a second mode ν2 = 0.3017 d-1,
possibly a g-mode, and indications for two more frequencies in the 7-8
d-1 domain. From Stromgren photometry we find evidence for
the hybrid 5 Sct/γ Dor character of the F0 star HD 44195, as
frequencies near 3 d-1 and 21 d-1 are detected
simultaneously in the different filters.
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