The bright X ray transient GS2023+338 (=V404 Cyg) in optical outburst and decline

Charles, P. A.; Casares, J.; Jones, D. H. P.; Broadhurst, T.; Callanan, P. J.; Carter, D.; Hacking, P.; Hassall, B. J. M.; Lawrence, A.; Naylor, T.
Bibliographical reference

In ESA, The 23rd ESLAB Symposium on Two Topics in X Ray Astronomy. Volume 1: X Ray Binaries p 103-107 (SEE N90-25711 19-89)

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The results of optical spectroscopy and photometry from La Palma (Canary Islands) of V404 Cyg are presented. They correspond to the optical counterpart of the new X-ray transient GS2023+338 discovered by Ginga. The overall light curve is similar to that of the previous optical outburst of this object, recorded as Nova Cyg 1938 and classified as a classical nova. It is not a classical or recurrent nova. The large range in optical brightness and intense X-ray emission at maximum indicate that the system must be a low-mass X-ray binary. The optical spectrum is unlike any known LMXB or X-ray transient in that it displays strong, broad, variable and complex emission lines of H, He I and He II. The reddened spectrum and interstellar absorption features indicate a problable distance in the range 1 to 3 kpc. Charged coupled device photometry reveals that the source is variable, but gives no indication of the orbital period, there being no eclipse or regular modulation.