Binaries as Validation and Calibration Targets for the PLATO Mission

Morel, Thierry; Beck, Paul; Maxted, Pierre; Gaulme, Patrick
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EAS2024, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting

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Detached eclipsing binaries (DEBs) and astrometric binaries provide the opportunity for model-independent dynamical mass determination up to very high accuracy. For the stellar modelling and age-dating, freezing the model-independent mass is the most important and critical constraint to limit systematic uncertainties. In addition, stellar radii can be determined with high accuracy in DEBs. In this talk, we will discuss a sample of DEBs and astrometric binaries that is being assembled for the forthcoming ESA PLATO space mission. This sample of binaries is useful for both validation of the pipelines and science calibration of the models, as it will: - assist with achieving the requisite accuracy on stellar mass (15%), radius (2%), and age (10%) that are among the top-level requirements of the mission; - aid efforts to accurately model limb darkening and, as a result, better constrain the planetary parameters obtained from the analysis of the photometric transits.