de Jong, R. S.; Agertz, O.; Berbel, A. A.; Aird, J.; Alexander, D. A.; Amarsi, A.; Anders, F.; Andrae, R.; Ansarinejad, B.; Ansorge, W.; Antilogus, P.; Anwand-Heerwart, H.; Arentsen, A.; Arnadottir, A.; Asplund, M.; Auger, M.; Azais, N.; Baade, D.; Baker, G.; Baker, S.; Balbinot, E.; Baldry, I. K.; Banerji, M.; Barden, S.; Barklem, P.; Barthélémy-Mazot, E.; Battistini, C.; Bauer, S.; Bell, C. P. M.; Bellido-Tirado, O.; Bellstedt, S.; Belokurov, V.; Bensby, T.; Bergemann, M.; Bestenlehner, J. M.; Bielby, R.; Bilicki, M.; Blake, C.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Boeche, C.; Boland, W.; Boller, T.; Bongard, S.; Bongiorno, A.; Bonifacio, P.; Boudon, D.; Brooks, D.; Brown, M. J. I.; Brown, R.; Brüggen, M.; Brynnel, J.; Brzeski, J.; Buchert, T.; Buschkamp, P.; Caffau, E.; Caillier, P.; Carrick, J.; Casagrande, L.; Case, S.; Casey, A.; Cesarini, I.; Cescutti, G.; Chapuis, D.; Chiappini, C.; Childress, M.; Christlieb, N.; Church, R.; Cioni, M.-R. L.; Cluver, M.; Colless, M.; Collett, T.; Comparat, J.; Cooper, A.; Couch, W.; Courbin, F.; Croom, S.; Croton, D.; Daguisé, E.; Dalton, G.; Davies, L. J. M.; Davis, T.; de Laverny, P.; Deason, A.; Dionies, F.; Disseau, K.; Doel, P.; Döscher, D.; Driver, S. P.; Dwelly, T.; Eckert, D.; Edge, A.; Edvardsson, B.; Youssoufi, D. E.; Elhaddad, A.; Enke, H.; Erfanianfar, G.; Farrell, T.; Fechner, T.; Feiz, C.; Feltzing, S. et al.
Bibliographical reference
The Messenger, vol. 175, p. 3-11
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We introduce the 4-metre Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope (4MOST), a
new high-multiplex, wide-field spectroscopic survey facility under
development for the four-metre-class Visible and Infrared Survey
Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) at Paranal. Its key specifications are:
a large field of view (FoV) of 4.2 square degrees and a high multiplex
capability, with 1624 fibres feeding two low-resolution spectrographs (R
= λ/Δλ 6500), and 812 fibres transferring light to
the high-resolution spectrograph (R 20 000). After a description of
the instrument and its expected performance, a short overview is given
of its operational scheme and planned 4MOST Consortium science; these
aspects are covered in more detail in other articles in this edition of
The Messenger. Finally, the processes, schedules, and policies
concerning the selection of ESO Community Surveys are presented,
commencing with a singular opportunity to submit Letters of Intent for
Public Surveys during the first five years of 4MOST operations.