Goasduff, A.; Courtin, S.; Haas, F.; Lebhertz, D.; Jenkins, D. G.; Beck, C.; Fallis, J.; Ruiz, C.; Hutcheon, D. A.; Amandruz, P.-A.; Davis, C.; Hager, U.; Ottewell, D.; Ruprecht, G.
Bibliographical reference
FUSION11, Saint-Malo, France, Edited by Ch. Schmitt; A. Navin; M. Rejmund; D. Lacroix; H. Goutte; EPJ Web of Conferences, Volume 17, id.06002
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Refereed citations
We have performed a heavy ion radiative capture reaction between two
light heavy ions, 12C and 16O, leading to
28Si. The present experiment has been performed below Coulomb
barrier energies in order to reduce the phase space and to try to shed
light on structural effects. Obtained γ-spectra display a
previously unobserved strong feeding of intermediate states around 11
MeV at these energies. This new decay branch is not fully reproduced by
statistical nor semi-statistical decay scenarii and may imply structural
effects. Radiative capture cross-sections are extracted from the data.