The Milky Way galaxy: from the radial migration of stars to GAIA DR2 data analysis

Roman Nagy
Date and time
31 Jul 2019 - 12:30 Europe/London


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The radial migration of stars in the Galactic disc has been intensively studied during the last two decades. Many papers, investigating the effects of the Galactic bar, the spiral pattern and their resonances on the radial migration of stars and mixing of the Galactic disc, have been published in the recent years. In the first part of the presentation, we will focus on the results of our simulations. We will compare two approaches, the first one considers the NFW dark matter halo, the second one takes into account the non-Newtonian gravity based on the paper by McGaugh et al. (2016).

The second part of the talk will be dedicated to the research conducted during my ERASMUS+ stay at IAC.In collaboration with Dr. Martín López-Corredoira and his team, we have focused on the analysis of the kinematic maps of GAIA-DR2. We have used maps by López-Corredoira & Sylos Labini (2019), providing data for extended range of Galactocentric distances R<20kpc. We concentrated on the study of the Galactic flare, the increase of the scale-height with increasing Galactocentric distance. We will show preliminary results of our analysis, which shed some light on possibility of the flaring of the Galactic disc in the remote regions of the Galaxy.