Today sees the publication of ALHAMBRA-gold, the definitive catalogue for the study of the evolution of the Universe

ALHAMBRA survey regions for which data have been published. Credit: ALHAMBRA Project. Image proccesing: V. Peris.
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The characteristics of ALHAMBRA, a detailed study of eight separate deep regions of the Universe, make it the best available tool for exploring the recent history of the Universe

This first version of the data, called ALHAMBRA-gold and led by researchers from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, contains a hundred thousand galaxies, twenty thousand stars and a thousand possible active galactic nuclei

Researchers from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias have also participated in the catalogue, which was compiled at the Calar Alto Observatory


Futher information:


  • Alberto Molino, amb [at] (amb[at]iaa[dot]es) 603570590 958230626
  • Txitxo Benítez, txitxo [at] (txitxo[at]iaa[dot]es) 958230630
  • Jordi Cepa, jcn [at] (jcn[at]iac[dot]es); 922 605 200
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