El programa Investigadores Visitantes Fundación Occident del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) sigue su curso con la recepción de un nuevo grupo de personal investigador procedente de distintos centros del mundo. Los investigadores cubrirán un amplio espectro de disciplinas, desde cosmología y astrofísica de partículas hasta física estelar, formación de galaxias y sistemas planetarios. Su presencia y colaboración con el personal investigador del IAC fortalecerá la actividad científica tanto del centro canario como de las personas invitadas y de sus centros de origen, fortaleciendo
The President of the Cabildo of La Palma, Sergio Rodríguez inaugurated this morning the International Conference LSST@Europe 6 which has brought together over 140 people from over twenty countries in the field of astrophysical research. In the oficial inauguration there was also participation by the Director of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), Valentín Martínez Pillet, the director of the LSST constructive project Zeljko Ivezic and the president of the international organizing committee Mireia Montes Quiles. Sergio Rodríguez noted the importance of this type of scientific
A global team of astronomers and machine learning researchers today announced the release of the " Multimodal Universe" - a groundbreaking 100 terabyte dataset that brings together hundreds of millions of astronomical observations in unprecedented detail and scale. This massive collection of space data aims to revolutionize how artificial intelligence can be applied to unlock the mysteries of the cosmos. " The Multimodal Universe makes accessing machine learning-ready astronomical datasets as easy as writing a single line of code," says Helen Qu, a postdoctoral researcher at the Flatiron