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An international piece of research, led by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has found clues to the nature of some of the brightest and hottest stars in our Universe, called blue supergiants. Although these stars are commonly observed, their origin has been an old puzzle that has been debated for several decades. By simulating novel stellar models and analysing a large data sample in the Large Magellanic Cloud, IAC researchers have found strong evidence that most blue supergiants may have formed from the merger of two stars bound in a binary system. The study is published in theAdvertised on
The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and the University of La Laguna (ULL) are organizing the XXXV edition of the Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysic s which will take place between the 8 th and the 17 th of October in La Laguna,Tenerife. For this edition there will be 60 participants, including master’s and doctor’s degree students and postdocs, from thirteen different countries who will come to Tenerife to receive a complete and exhaustive view of the evolution of the galaxies. The Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysic s is a key event in the calendar of theAdvertised on
The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias has put itself on the frontier of astrophysical technology by developing the first integrated photonic circuit designed entirely within the Institute. This pioneering advance will permit the improvement of astronomical instruments, and the development of innovative systems for observing the universe. Astrophysical instrumentation, for both ground-based and space-based use is so specialized that often comercial systems and subsystems do not come up to the required specifications, This makes it necessary to buy high priced components or to delegateAdvertised on