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An international research, in which the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has played a leading role, has found a planet of intermediate size between Earth and Venus orbiting a cool red dwarf 40 light-years away. The new world, named Gliese 12 b, lies within the habitable zone of its star, making it a promising candidate for the James Webb Space Telescope to study its atmosphere. The discovery was made possible thanks to observations from NASA's TESS satellite and other facilities such as CARMENES, at Calar Alto Observatory (CAHA), and MuSCAT2, installed at the Carlos SánchezAdvertised on
This week, the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias is hosting the Second SONG Scientific Congress to conclude the first decade of high-level work of this international network devoted to the study of the interior of stars and the planetary systems that surround them. The meeting, which is taking place at the headquarters of IACTEC in La Laguna from 18 to 20 September, brings together more than 50 scientists from Europe, the United States, Australia and China to discuss the latest state-of-the-art techniques in time-resolved spectroscopy and stellar astrophysics. The Stellar ObservationsAdvertised on
An international team, led by a researcher from the University of Liège (Belgium) affiliated to the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), has discovered an extraordinarily light planet orbiting a distant star in our galaxy. This discovery, reported today in the journal Nature Astronomy, is a promising key to solving the mystery of how such giant, super-light planets form. The new planet, named WASP-193b, appears to dwarf Jupiter in size, yet it is a fraction of its density. The scientists found that the gas giant is 50 percent bigger than Jupiter, and about a tenth as dense — anAdvertised on