The Open Adminnistration Week aims at bringing Public Administration closer to the general public based on the principle of Open Gevernment. The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias is participating in this edition by offering a number of visits to the La Palma Supercomputing Node between Martch 20th and 22nd. Those interested can inscribe via email.
This is an initiative on world wide scale, promoted by the Aliance for Open Government (Open Gov Week ) which will be celebrated in Spain in 2023 from March 20th to 24th.
During this week the Spanish Public Administration and the organizations of civil society will present varied events with the aim of strengthening the links between the public administration and the citizens, showing the commitment of our instituttions to the development of the values of transparency, accountability, citizen participation, and collaboration of the Administration with society. In Spain the Open Administration Week is coordinated and fomented by the General Direction of Public Governance, with the collaboration of the Forum for Open Government.
Within the programme of activities the IAC is offering visits to the Nodo de Supercomputación La Palma, (La Palma Supercomputing Node), an infrastructure integrated as a node in the Red Española de Supercomputación (Spanish Supercomputing Network), which therefore is a part of the systemof suprcomputers distributed around Spanish national territory, connected by high velocity networks, and aimed at offering a large capacity for calculations to the Spanish scientific community. The La Palma node is sited in the La Palma Astrophysics Centre (CALP) in Breña BNaja.
On the one hand, visits have been organised with several schools on the island, which will take place in the morning. On the other hand, those interested can visit the supercomputer and receive a short talk on how it works. There are two dates for this: Monday 20 March and Wednesday 22 March, both at 16:00. The duration of the visit is approximately 1 hour.
Those wishing to participate should send an email to saa2023.hpc [at] (saa2023[dot]hpc[at]iac[dot]es) indicating their preferred date. Each visit will have a maximum capacity of 15 people and places will be allocated in strict order of application.