Today, Monday July 8th, at the Headquarters of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias the Research Advisory Commission (CAI) , which is the highest level advisory committee for research at the Institute, and which analysis its scientific and technological production, has started its annual meeting.
During the meeting Rafael Rebolo, who was Director of the iAC until 1st July 2024, gave an account of the scientific and technological activities of the Institute during the past year, and the incoming Director, Valentín Martínez Pillet, presented his visión, and his mission for the Institute which will form the basis of the next Strategic Plan of the IAC.
As well as presentations by the outgoing and incoming directors, during the meeting there will be a session with the Research Coordinator fo the IAC, Jesús Falcón, with the Higher Education Coordinator, Artemio Herrero, and with the Instrumentation Coordinator, Alfonso López Aguerri. Each of them will present a report on the activities of their respective areas, and their current and future plans.
Also participating in the meeting is the Director of the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) Romano Corradi, who is also presenting a reporto n the activity of the telescope, and his future plans.
The meeting will be completed by visits to IACTEC, and to the Teide and Roque de los Muchachos Observatories.