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An international study led by Almudena Prieto, a researcher at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has found places where new stars are forming, as faint star clusters, around the centre of an evolved galaxy. This is the first time that young populations of stars have been picked out and dated in this type of galaxies dominated by very old stars, which can be called “rejuvenated old galaxies”. The research has combined observations from various telescopes, both ground based and space based, and has used innovative techniques of data analysis. The results are published in theAdvertised on
Today, Friday 16th August, the traditional Open Day of the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (ORM) was held for the residents of the village of Garafía, in La Palma. With this event, the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) participates in the programme of the Fiestas Patronales of the municipality where the Observatory is located. This fraternisation event, between the town and the scientific, technical and working staff who work at the centre's facilities, has been taking place since the first years of its opening and celebrates its 39th edition. The IAC and the scientificAdvertised on
Arianna Di Cintio, researcher at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias and professor at the University of La Laguna, was awarded yesterday Monday, March 11, at the awards gala held for the Institutional Day of the University of La Laguna. The award corresponds to the junior category, referring to research personnel born after 1984, recognizing the quality of research at the scientific and social level and for its particular value and interest in the socioeconomic environment, its social repercussion and international impact. Di Cintio is an Italian researcher specialized in galaxyAdvertised on