About LISA Proposals and Protocol of Use:
The main services offered by the LISA facility are summarized here:
- Characterization of astronomical cameras and detectors in the visible range: CCD, EMCCD, CMOS, BICMOS.
- Report of the main figures of merit: RON, linearity, PTC/Gain, Absolute Quantum Efficiency, Cosmetics, Persistences, Anomalies, Dark Current, etcetera.
- Characterization of astronomical cameras and detectors in the SWIR range (up to 1.6 microns) InGaAs 2D arrays.
- Design and customize HW, FW and SW for astronomical detectors, including auxiliary PCBs design (as cryoamplifiers)
- Characterization of astronomical detectors in the MWIR range (up to 2.5 microns): Teledyne Hawaii-2 or H2RG. As above, report of the main figures of merit.
- Characterization of astronomical cameras and detectors in the LWIR range (8 - 12 microns): 2D-microbolometers. Report of the main figures of merit in the thermal range.
- Questions about mKIDs devices (real-time processing)
- Besides: Advice and design of acquisition and control systems for astronomical instruments with detectors in the ranges visible and infrared. Image, spectroscopy, polarimetry.
To use the LISA facility services (mainly as external user), we have stated a simple protocol. Step by step:
- Request of use. By email to the Secretary of the Technology Division (secins [at] iac.es (secins At iac.es)) or directly to the LISA responsible / (eja [at] iac.es (enrique.joven At iac.es))
- The request should include the description of the device under test or the final objective in using the LISA facility, and besides: (a) organism (internal or external - IAC); (b) number of hours to use -estimation-; (c) equipment to use (visible, infrared or thermal benches); (d) man-resources needed or auto-self (with some technical introduction). In this case, the petitioner user shall be (1) to receive and read the Users Manuals, and also (2) to read and return the Laboratory Normative (signed); finally (3) to receive direct instructions from the technical staff about the good practices in LISA.
- After evaluated, the LISA responsibles will allow or deny the use of the LISA facility. In the positive case, they will propose the most adequate date. Besides, if the use of LISA is framed in any possible corporative agreement, it will be studied a possible economic cost (ask for this)
- The test will be done in the proposed date and the LISA responsibles will send an entire test report of results if this is requested.
If you have any proposal for using the LISA facility, please send an email to: enrique.joven AT iac.es
Recommended Cc email to: secins AT iac.es
Complete address:
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC)
Technology Division - Electronics Department
LISA - Laboratory of Imaging and Sensors for Astronomy
38205 - La Laguna - Tenerife - Canary Islandas - SPAIN
Phone: +34 922 605200