PROF. DR. DIEGO BLAS TEMIÑO (King’s College London, UK)

Origin institution
Diego Blas Temiño

Dr. Diego Blas obtained his PhD in Physics in the University of Barcelona (Spain) in 2008. He was a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Shaposhnikov at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne till 2011. After a short research period in New York University, he moved to the Theory Division of CERN as a fellow in early 2012. He became a staff member of the Theory Division at CERN in 2014.

Dr. Blas joined King’s College London in February 2018 as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Physics. His main research interests are in the fields  of  theoretical physics, gravitation and cosmology. His current research is in the interface of theoretical physics and astrophysics. This is interaction flows both ways: he tries to use concepts from theoretical physics to better understand astrophysical phenomena (in particular in the area of large-scale structure) and he also is interested in using astrophysical phenomena to constrain fundamental physics.

His main directions in the last years has been: Analytical techniques to study the distribution of matter at large scales (large scale structure), development of theories of gravity without Lorentz invariance (theoretical and phenomenological aspects). These are relatively unexplored candidates for quantum gravity, use of pulsar timing to constrain aspects of dark matter. In particular, pulsar phenomenology is affected by very low mass candidates and provides the
strongest bounds for some models and the participation in the theoretical aspects of the Boltzmann code CLASS. The code is used to analyze multiple aspects of cosmology.

Visitor program
Jesús Serra Foundation
Occident Foundation