ExoClock project

Start date
End date

IACTEC Building. Parque Tecnológico y Científico Las Mantecas (La Laguna, Tenerife).


From 6 to 9 June, IACTEC is hosting the consortium meeting of the European Space Agency's Ariel mission, dedicated to the characterisation of exoplanet atmospheres.

On the occasion of this meeting, on Friday 9 June, at 20:00 (Canary Islands time), Anatasia Kokori, coordinator of the ExoClock project, will give a talk at IACTEC (Las Mantecas Technology and Science Park) aimed at encouraging the participation of amateur and professional astronomers in the project.

Exoclock is a citizen (and professional) science project to observe and improve the ephemerides of a large number of extrasolar planets, which will be observed by Ariel at the end of this decade.

More information about the project: https://www.exoclock.space/

Friday 9 June.
20:00 h (local time in the Canary Islands)
IACTEC Building. Parque Tecnológico y Científico Las Mantecas (La Laguna, Tenerife).

Organised by Grupo de Observadores Astronómicos de Tenerife.